

Agriculture Activities to support farms and farming, such as agricultural improvement, animal welfare, farm diversification and investment to improve farm business practice
Arts & Humanities R&D Support for research and development in the fields of arts, language, culture, geography, history and humanities

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Biotechnology & Biology R&D Support for research and development in the fields of agriculture, animal sciences, biotechnology and biological systems, food, nanotechnology and nanosciences

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Capital, Infrastructure and Premises Support to purchase or hire plant and equipment, buy land and buildings, make refurbishments and working capital
Climate Change & Environmental Issues Support for complying with environmental regulations, minimising water consumption and actions to increase awareness of climate change
Communications Support for investment in telecommunications and computerised systems, including hardware and software
Conservation & Biodiversity Measures to conserve or recover species and habitats and support to maintain the health of the natural world, particularly biological diversity
Countryside & Rural Development Development of rural villages and the countryside, including countryside management and support for rural issues

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Economic & Social Research R&D Support for research and development in the fields of accounting, economics and business studies, law and social sciences
Education and Learning Support for adult and lifelong learning, open learning and acquiring knowledge and skills in a range of areas
Education, Advice & Research Advice, education and training in environmental issues and practices and support for research into green and clean products/technologies
Employment Support for the creation of new jobs, employment subsidies, graduate recruitment initiatives, staff support and industrial relations
Energy - General Support for projects that improve energy networks (electricity and natural gas) and investment in controlled nuclear energy production
Energy Efficiency Measures aimed at reducing energy use or the energy used by specific devices and systems, with support for low energy equipment and investing in low carbon infrastructure
Engineering, Communications & Physical Sciences R&D Support for research and development in engineering across all fields, eg physics, chemistry, electrical, manufacturing, energy, as well as ICT and transport
Environmental Improvement Support for flood and coastal defence measures, restoration of waterways, landscaping, and woodland improvement
Export Credit, Insurance & Guarantees Finance, insurance and guarantees for the sale of good and services to a foreign country
Export General Support for companies involved in high value goods and support to secure orders from countries where planned aid is unavailable
Export Marketing & Sales Assistance for research into exporting, overseas trade visits and general advice and support in exporting

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Financial Assistance Support or advice in the field of finance and business relocation
Fishing & Aquaculture Improvements to harbours, ports and fishing fleets/vessels, and the cultivation of fish, shellfish and other aquatic organisms

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General Research & Development Activities Support for research and development in statistics, research techniques, knowledge transfer, public engagement, commercialisation of research and the development of research partnerships

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Innovation Funding for new products, processes and technologies, product development and participation in R&D

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Market Compensation Subsidies for rearing certain breeds of livestock or growing certain types of arable produce, as well as other agricultural subsidies
Marketing & Promotional Activities Conducting market research, promoting products and innovations and attending exhibitions and seminars
Medical Research R&D Support for research and development in the fields of medicine, biomedicine, healthcare, nutrition and genetics

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Natural Environment R&D Support for research and development in the fields of conservation, earth sciences, recycling, pollution control and climatology

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Pollution Prevention & Land Reclamation Support for removal of contamination from the ground, improving waste disposal sites, eradicating harmful pollutants and reclaiming derelict land/property

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Recreation and Leisure Support for leisure activities and providing services, buildings and equipment for leisure pursuits, sports and games

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Science & Technology R&D Support for research and development in the fields of national security and defence, space and astronomical science and general technology
Sport Support for the development and provision of sporting activities, including elite sports, and sporting events and festivals
Start-up, Development & Growth Funding and assistance for pre-start and early-stage businesses to commence trading and support for existing operations with plans for growth and diversification

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Tourism Support for measures that will encourage and increase tourism in specific regions
Trade Support for trade within and outside of the European Union
Trade Missions/Exhibitions and Promotions Support for involvement in export assignments, whether exporting in or out of the UK, home and foreign trade fairs and travel bursaries
Training Training initiatives for business start-ups and to upskill existing workforces across all sectors, as well as training opportunities for young people and the unemployed
Transport & Infrastructure Funding for the creation and upkeep of sustainable and green transport networks, improved rural and urban transport and investment in infrastructure projects across the country

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Waste & Recycling Support for reprocessing materials in order to prevent waste, water saving measures and activities surrounding the safe storage and treatment of waste

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